Welcome to our facility
R.F.H. Tactical Mobility Inc. in cooperation with Virginia International Raceway, holds current permits and insurance coverage to support all legal conduct of training at our facilities.
Our main facility building consists of one class room to hold the capacity of 40 students, a full size gym, kitchen, dining hall, three garage bays, and more. We provide our own vehicles, ATV/UTV's, and weaponry for all your training needs.
We also have on-site, DOD/BATF-approved, secure facilities and Class V Receiving Authority for the safe storage of ammunition and weapons, if you wish to bring your own equipment and need a secure place to store it.

Paved Road Courses
RFH Tactical Mobility offers training on VIR’s paved road courses. The full course (3.27mil) features 17 turns and 130ft of elevation changes. This course can be divided into two separate and autonomous circuits: the Full Course and the Patriot Course (1.1mil), or the North Course (2.25mil) and the South Course (1.65mil).
Also available for training is the 400' x 400' Skid Pad which is coated and may be inundated through an in-ground sprinkler system for skid control training. Skid training is an integral part of all vehicle dynamics training.

Weapons Ranges
RFH Tactical Mobility, in cooperation with Virginia International Raceway, has zero day/night/weekend noise-related restrictions for un-suppressed live-fire, explosive detonation of charges in relation to any/all phases of tactical instruction. RFH Tactical Mobility Inc.'s training facility provides seven (7) ranges of varying distances from 50yd - 1,400yd, providing ample space to support classes of various sizes. Ranges include covered and uncovered shooting positions, 6-story multi-level shoot tower, KD & UKD ranges.
In addition to the outdoor ranges, RFH Tactical also has two (2) Simmunitions buildings.
The buildings are capable of being flash-banged and smoked and are equipped with ventilation fans. In addition to the Simmunitions housings, our facility has a multi-room, live-fire shoot house with surveillance catwalk. Simmunition and Frangible ammo permitted only for these range uses (as of 2021) until further notice.

Off-Road Courses
Our unimproved road driving course is a 3.8-mile dirt and gravel course that provides radiuses, hills, blind crests, and natural visual obstacles. The course will support all non-standard FWD, AWD and RWD sedan driving at moderate speeds of between 30- 40mph and capable of max speeds of 60-70mph on straight portions of the track. The course is a perfect place for teaching elevated speed driving on unimproved road surfaces.
The off-road driving track (1.25mil) features twenty-two obstacles. The track provides vehicle hill climbs, descents, tipping points, straddle trenches, tank traps, a stair climb, a suspended log bridge and a rock pit. The course allows for continuous driving conditions from water traps, sand and mud traps, wooded areas, off-camber navigation and a failed hill climb that is more than 50’ with a driving angle of 35 degrees.
Our off-road trails cover 8.6 miles of terrain adjacent to and along the Dan River at the northern and western sides of the tactical training area. The trails feature steep hill climbs and descents, ditch crossings, water crossings, a suspended bridge crossing, and tree negotiation obstacles.

Other Onsite Facilities
VIR resort provides a memorable lodging and dining experience for our guests.
Over 45 rooms in total are available for booking with our special rates at the Lodge, Villas, and Pit Row.
Event facilities can provide seating and service for hundreds. ​Just let us know what you need and we can make it happen!
VIR also offers karting throughout the year.
Perfect for group bonding, team competition or down time.